Rust Dragon helicopter skin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Togoshige, Mar 28, 2017.

  1. Is it possible to change the skin/color/model of the Helicopter?
    Is it possible to make it look like a dragon?

    Is it possible to remove current weapons of heli? remove rockets/missles and gun fire?

    Is it possible to make the heli breathe/shoot fire? like the flamethrower?

    Is it possible to make heli AI get up closer to players?

    Basically Itd be badass to have a dragon instead of a helicopter for my Medieval server :)

    Random Dragon Breathing Fire
  2. 1) afaik no
    2) afaik no
    3) i know you can disable the helis machine guns, but not sure about the rockets
    4) This would be possible, but would probably be somewhat hard
    5) not sure, but i have never seen anything to change something like this