1. Hola,

    I created various functions that either don't already exist or don't function the way I like them to as a server owner. The majority are for administrators and I'm working on a couple of plugins to enhance the experience for players too.

    An example of what I've create that may be handy for my fellow server owners is a chat logger and who's online viewer. It comprises of Oxide plugin plus web back and front end so no really something that works in the typical Oxide plugin sense of things so I'm not sure I could release it in that manner (@Wulf feel free to advise on that front).

    You can see the front end in action here: EzComeEzGo - Chat Logs (data is live)

    If there's any interest from you other server owners then I'll happily split out the code from the rest of my bespoke stuff and let you have it
  2. I would like to use it on my own servers ( If I can manage to install it :D )
  3. OK I'll sort the code out some time this week. You'll need a web server with MySQL support in order to store the chat logs
  4. Yup have it :)
  5. Without doubt.