1. I was wondering if you could change the icon for when the server when it says something in chat. Possibly load the icon in a folder and it loads up that instead?
  2. No... But we can use player's avatar as icon (player must be on the server)
  3. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The icon used is dependent on what each plugin sets. By default it uses the Rust logo for server messages, and player avatars for player messages.
  4. so we can change it?
  5. To a players icon if he is connected..
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You can change it to anything you want, either by making your own plugin, or by any options a plugin provides. It pulls the avatar from a player's Steam profile via their Steam ID.
  7. oh, i thought you were referring to the server icon, thats what im interested in
  8. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    It is the same thing, just send a Steam ID with the message from the server.
  9. i dont want to use somoenes picture as the server's icon... i want to use a unique one. i was thinking of using the icon i have for my avatar on here
  10. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    As I said, it is based on Steam ID, so you'd have to have a Steam profile with that image. This is how Facepunch made it.
  11. well i guess you could create a new steam account and use this account as avatar.
  12. how do you make it display the picture. i tried putting the steam id in the chat, in the rcon message and all, nothing worked for me
  13. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    rust.BroadcastChat("Message goes here", "SteamID goes here")
    rust.SendChatMessage("Message goes here", "SteamID goes here")
  14. I want to change each plugins' icons. Example: For NOTIFIER I want to use ? icon and for Death Notes I want to use skull, for Kits I want to use backpack etc. Is it possible?
  15. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Yes, you'd have to change it inside of those plugins else write a plugin that intercepts them all.
  16. Is there any "how to write rust plugin" lesson post that I can learn to plugin codding?
  17. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    There are some examples in the Docs and Plugins section.
  18. I have modify the code of Better Say Command plugin, you can check my quote if you use it (better than the basic say :p)
    Better Say Command | Page 6 | Oxide
  19. What about for
    Chat(player, $"{Lang("ThankYou", player.UserIDString, voted)}");
    Where I put my SteamID? I've try so many possibility it's doesn't works...
  20. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I don't know where the "Chat" method is coming from.