Rust Car spawns

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by mickeoj, Nov 2, 2017.

  1. Hi! Is there any plugin or way to spawn cars either randomly over the map, or certain spawn points or monuments? Automatic or with command(console or chat).

    I want everyone on my server to be able to find cars, but I don't always have the time to fly around and spawn them in randomly.

    I know you can do that with guishop or server rewards, and even kits with copy and paste would work. But I don't want shop or either make so players can spawn them in. Would rather like to have them exploring the map.

    Anyone have any idea how to?
  2. You need a plugin called CarCommander, its not on this website, google it
  3. Put this in your own plugin, spawns a car in your position:

    void  cmSedan(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args)
        rust.RunServerCommand($"spawn sedan {player.transform.position.x},{player.transform.position.y},{player.transform.position.z}");