1. I filled out all the info but when I click Upload File and select the file, all it says is "The following error occurred: There was a problem uploading your file: money-for-gather.lua". I've tried moving the file to a different location on disk. I tried using Internet Explorer instead of Firefox and IE can't even access the site (403 Forbidden errors, no matter what URL). Any ideas on what's going on?
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

  3. The Lua file I tried is 6KB. I tried zipping it and uploading it as well and that one is 2KB. I don't normally use IE because its crap, I just figured it might have been an issue with Firefox (which I doubt, but it was worth a shot).
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Could you try uploading a smaller file to see if you still have an issue?
  5. I tried an empty file, which gave me the error that the file was empty, then I tried a Lua file containing nothing but the word "test" and got the same error.
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I'll point it out to the hosting guys and see if they have any idea. @Flo NOC @German Hoeffner
  7. Well, I rebooted and tried through Firefox again and no luck. Then I tried it with Chrome and it worked fine. So... yeah. Chrome it is then. LOL :cool: