1. Hi, complete noob when it comes to this so please keep that in mind. I'm currently using SurvivalServers to host a Hurtworld server. I was able to use the addadmin command to add myself but nothing else works. None of the TP or Give commands. Any idea what I would be doing wrong?
  2. Tp outdated,
    Give -> F1
  3. been using f1 to give but nothing ever gets given
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    For 'addadmin', you should be adding it to your startup script or autoexec.cfg, not entering it in the console. For TP and giving, what are you trying to use?
  5. ive done the addadmin to the autoexec but it for some reason is not taking. as for the giving i was just goofing around to show stuff on a stream but it never worked.
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    What does your autoexecfg look like? Also, the default 'g' command only works with IDs, not item names.
  7. Ouh. Works with names for me
  8. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The docs only mention IDs, but I haven't tried it myself.
  9. To teleport you can use the console. "teleport name name" I haven't tried sending other people to each other but it works to teleport yourself to someone else.
  10. Figured mine out, if you host with SurvialServers you have to put it in as custom launch parameter
  11. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    That is actually standard for any way you host, but the autoexec.cfg will do the same thing.
  12. Changing the autoexec_default.cfg to just autoexec.cfg worked for me. Remove quit on the first line as well.