Solved Can't get Oxide to load

Discussion in 'Rust Discussion' started by Niemand <3, Dec 6, 2017.

  1. Heyo!

    Sorry to be a bother/stupid, but it somehow seems I can not get oxide to load up on serverstart.

    I set up a new server, downloaded the latest, unpacked it into my rust rootfolder ("E:\rust\" The contents are findable in "E:\rust\RustDeicated_data\Managed\"), but when I start the server, there is no trace of oxide in the console as it was before.

    files in "E:\rust\oxide\serverident\logs\" are exactly a month old, so nothing new from today.

    Any ideas/suggestions/advise?

  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Do you have any sort of SteamCMD updating or checking in your startup .bat?
  3. Of course. If you have any advise/suggestions for the code in general, feel free to shoot, I'm a beginner when it comes to batching. :D

    TITLE Serverstartscript:KILL
    taskkill /f /im RustDedicated.exe /T
    goto STEAM:STEAM
    echo installing/updating rust...
    @echo off
    start /wait "SteamCMD" "E:\SteamCMD\steamcmd.exe" +login anonymous +force_install_dir E:\rust\ +app_update 258550 +quit
    echo done.
    goto OXIDE:OXIDE
    echo updating oxide...
    @echo offfor /F "tokens=2,3,4 delims=/ " %%i in ('date/t') do set y=%%k
    for /F "tokens=2,3,4 delims=/ " %%i in ('date/t') do set d=%%k%%i%%j
    for /F "tokens=5-8 delims=:. " %%i in ('echo.^| time ^| find "current" ') do set t=%%i%%j
    set t=%t%_
    if "%t:~3,1%"=="_" set t=0%t%
    set t=%t:~0,4%
    set "theFilename=%d%%t%"
    echo %theFilename%start /wait "wget oxide" "C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin\wget.exe"  --no-check-certificate --output-document "E:\rust\oxide-updatetemp\" +quit
    start /wait "7z oxide" "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -spe "E:\rust\oxide-updatetemp\" -o"E:\rust\" -aoa +quit:: NOTE: I disabled this for thesting purposes.
    :: del "E:\rust\oxide-updatetemp\"
    :: del "E:\rust\_start-example.bat"
    echo done.
    ::echo Updating plugins...
    :: NOTE: Placeholder
    ::echo done.
    goto SERV:SERV
    echo starting servers...
    ::start "Server01 placeholder" "E:\rust\!script\!script_serverstart_server01.bat"
    ::timeout /T 10
    start /wait "Rust echstended" "E:\rust\!script\!script_serverstart_echstended.bat"
    echo done. restarting...
    goto KILL
    And the "!script_serverstart_echstended.bat" looks like this:
    @echo on
    echo Starting server...::THIS SCRIPT IS A DIRTY SHORTENED VERSION OF THE SCRIPT MADE FOR echstreme.designs - IT IS FAR FROM PERFECT AND NOT TO BE PUBLISHED. If it is anyways, there will not be any support or liability on the part of echstreme.designs. Please wait for a proper release inside the oxide forums (may take forever and ever and everever)!::VARIABLES
    echo loading servervars...
        SET scriptwindowname="rust.echstreme echstended"
        SET serverexe="E:\rust\!script\RustDedicatedLink"
        SET oxideserverpath="oxide/{server.identity}/"
    ::SET steamcmdpath="E:\SteamCMD\SteamCMD"
        SET /A scriptserverport=28015
        SET /A scriptrconport=28016
        SET scriptrconpwd="censored"
        SET scriptheadimg=""
        SET /A scriptmaxplayers=10
        SET scripthostname="[EN/EU(GER)] TESTING rust++ - DONT JOIN YET!"
        SET scriptserverident="echstended_001"
        SET /A scriptworldsize=6000
        SET /A scriptseed=1042002
        SET /A scriptsaveinterval=300
        SET scriptmap="Procedural Map"
        SET scriptdecayscale=0
        SET scriptdescription="blabla"
        SET scripturl=""    :SERVERSTART
        start /wait %scriptwindowname% %serverexe% -batchmode -server.port %scriptserverport% +server.headerimage %scriptheadimg% +rcon.port %scriptrconport% +rcon.password %scriptrconpwd% +server.maxplayers %scriptmaxplayers% +server.hostname %scripthostname% -server.identity %scriptserverident% +server.level %scriptmap% -server.seed %scriptseed% -server.worldsize %scriptworldsize% +server.saveinterval %scriptsaveinterval% +server.netlog 1 +spawn.max_rate 2 +spawn.max_density 1.5 +autoupdate +god 1 +decay.scale %scriptdecayscale% %oxideserverpath% %scriptdecayscale% +server.description %scriptdescription% +server.url %scripturl% +chat.serverlog 1    echo .
        echo Restarting server...
        echo .
    To explain the comments:
    I did previously release a script like that on the steam-forums. I will release this one, too, if it is ever finished. :)

    Nevermind the problem, there is an error in the code (or my windows permissions) somewhere around here:
    start /wait "7z oxide" "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -spe "E:\rust\oxide-updatetemp\" -o"E:\rust\" -aoa +quit
    I will have to look into it. All advise appreciated! <3

    Thanks and Sorry for your Time!

    Edit3: Owly Hell, why does the NavMesh take this long to generate on a 6k map when oxide is active? :O
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 6, 2017
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The SteamcMD stuff would remove Oxide as Oxide patches files. So you'd need to remove that for Oxide to load.
  5. Best to not go over 4500 for map will help with fps/lag etc etc
  6. That's not been an issue so far, afaik.
    Had it run on a FX-8150 with 32gb of RAM, and now it's on a VM powered by a Ryzen 7. If it's an issue, I will lower the mapsize, annoy my fistfull of players (My servers are generally rather lowpop, since I don't invest any ressources in PR yet.)

    That is why I kill all processes, start steamCMD and patch("reinstall") oxide after steamCMD is done - and THEN start the server. Sadly, I made a mistake somewhere and it seems oxide is not unzipped properly, I will look into that. If oxide does not load up after the update, I will disable steamCMD and report back.

    But if that is true and SteamCMD screws oxide, we (humanity) took one step back from rustserver-automatations and I need to figure out a completely new approach. :)

    I will mark this as solved, hopefully I still can reply to it.
  7. You have a powerful server it will be ok I just find lower the map size is better but as you have no problems so far it will be ok
  8. I wanted a rather peaceful (not no-pvp!) server with loads of terrain to adventure through. I'd like it to be a bit roleplay-y. A place where I can build my megabases and a settlement around it. That's why I have a huge map. I also had a second server running (I am not sure if I want to put it up again - at the moment I am switching servers) with a mapsize of 3600, which was heavily modded with daily airdrop-kits, dayvote and stuff like that for people that prefer action. :)