1. mangma's files have always been public..
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I'm sure once @thomasfn or @Ryan Skidmore will announce if the status changes.

    Magma files were public before.
  3. lol ok, my bad XD
  4. Same with RustEssentials and actively helping people set up servers.

    Think Oxide missed the boat on this one :(
  5. Hi,

    I just set up a Rust server on my home server and I was wondering when Oxide will be available for open download?
    If that isn't planned for the near future, could someone kindly explain how I build my own Oxide package from GitHub? I downloaded Oxide from another page now, and I really just don't know what the reason is to restrict the use of Oxide since the server binaries now are officially publicly available.

    Thanks for your answers in advance.
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Please see the previous replies. Building from GitHub only builds the Oxide portion, not the modded DLLs.
  7. I suppose that Oxide was sold to providers for the money. That's the reason for not publishing Oxide
  8. Host do not pay for oxide. The reason previously was because the server files were locked down to just official Rust providers. Now it's just a decision for the oxide team if they want to release and support 1.8 severs that are not running in controlled environments.
  9. If they don't publish Oxid for all he's going to lose its position as the best mod to Rust
  10. I don't get why you guys haven't released the files yet... I really hope that anyone can finally give us a clear answer. I'm really tired of having to host my Rust Oxide server with crappy hosting providers. I appreciate all the work you guys put in Oxide, but don't limit the Oxide files to large hosting companies, that's just wrong.
  11. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I don't know either, sorry. I'm not really kept in the loop with that sort of thing, and not really my decision to make. Once I know you'll know though.