Rust Anti-raid hours

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Saytek_, Jan 4, 2017.

  1. Hello,

    I want on my server a anti raid plugin with configurable hours to enable it, and disable it. But with BuildingProtector we can't gather animals... And I asn't found another plugin who do the same thing.

    Thank you
  2. I know this plugin, but I don't want percentage of protection, juste between X hour and X hour raid is ON, and between X hour and X hour, raid is OFF !
  3. bumping this thread as im looking for a similar addon. need to be able to set hours raiding is allowed, owner of cupboard should be able to damage their own buildings, buildings outside cupboard access should still be destroyable by anyone. alternative make that the owner/clan of the building can only destroy during non-raid hours.

    BuildingProtector for Rust | Oxide - this addon makes it not possible for anyone to destroy buildings during the hours. and dead animals doesnt take dmg.
  4. I tested the plugin, but sadly it does everything that all other plugins does. disable dmg to buildings for everyone, even the owner of the building. so if i place a twig foundation, i cant shoot it down.