Rust Anti-raid for new players

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by iVox, Nov 13, 2017.

  1. Hey guys, we're having some trouble keeping our new players on our 20x server as people keep wiping them out. Wondering if anyone here knows of an anti-raid type plugin to block building damage specifically for players under x amount of hours.

    I've looked at a few different mods; the closest one I found was The Purge, however it disables raiding server wide and also seems to make thatch indestructible.
    Next best I thought was Component Blocker for the first 24hours, though I feel like our farmers might be peeved if we go this route.

    TL;DR - Need plugin that disables destruction of player entities who have under 24 hours of playtime on server.
    Will pay, in case that wasn't clear.
  2. PMed you.