1. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    We're running into some rate issues with Bintray (1 terabyte/mo), so I've added a direct link at GitHub for the "latest" release build. If your host is using the Bintray links, they'd need to update to use the below links for the time being.

    There will still be versioned tags/releases on GitHub, which will show via the API as the actual latest, but the "latest" tag/release will be updated with each release build as well automatically so that a direct link is available. We'd recommend using the API or HTTP headers with hash checks instead of just downloading each time your server is restarted.

    The CSharpCompiler binaries have also been moved to Releases · OxideMod/CSharpCompiler · GitHub, which the upcoming Oxide release will include this change. Non-release builds such as Hurtworld itemv2 branch are only available via AppVeyor at this time.

    Bintray will likely be used as a backup only going forward, as there seems to be quite a bit of bandwidth waste happening that would easily push us over the limit now. For more info, see the previous thread with details on each download location: New snapshot build server and download locations.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2017
  2. My G, cheers for this
  3. This link will works all time? I use an auto update scrit, and bintray is used on my script, if I remplace it by the github link, it's will be fine forever? I talk about long term
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    It will work as long as we use it.
  5. Thanks Wulfy
  6. I have a server from Fragnet.net.. it always update auto for me.. Do you know how i must do to update it now with the downloaded zip file?
  7. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You'd need to contact them to request a URL change if they haven't already. I don't know if they provide you FTP access to upload manually.
  8. ok thanks.
  9. The day I am left in charge of doing the wipe... FML
  10. sorry but i need to change the link on the server ? if yes, where ?
  11. while file is this link usually located ?
  12. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Your host would generally manage this if you aren't self-hosting or using a script such as LGSM.
  13. self hosting but cant for the life of me find the old file. hmm
  14. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The dl.bintray.com was the main host before, but is temporarily down due to the bandwidth limit.
  15. i found where i can put the files, i m going to do this manually :)
    In Serverfiles i think and just transfert with filezilla
  16. Hello wulf i'm running LGSM and witch automatically down loads oxide using mods-update and i get error message (
    the requested url returned error 403 forbidden)and
    ( failure an issue occurred downloading oxide for rust) what do i need to do to correct this is it possible to give me step by step instruction please.any and all help will be appericated.
  17. For LGSM users,

    cd lgsm/functions
    nano mods_list.sh

    Delete contents and replace
    # LinuxGSM mods_list.sh function
    # Author: Daniel Gibbs
    # Contributor: UltimateByte
    # Website: https://gameservermanagers.com
    # Description: Lists and defines available mods for LinuxGSM supported servers; works along with mods_core.sh.
    # Usage: To add a mod, you need to add an array variable following the guide to set proper values;
    # Usage: Then add this array to the mods_global_array.
    # Usage: If needed, you can scrape the download URL first.local commandname="MODS"
    local commandaction="List Mods"
    local function_selfname="$(basename $(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}"))"# Get a proper URL for mods that don't provide a good one (optional)
    fn_script_log_info "Retrieving latest mods URLs"
    # Metamod
    metamodlatestfile="$(wget "${metamodscrapeurl}" -q -O -)"
    # Sourcemod
    sourcemodlatestfile="$(wget "${sourcemodscrapeurl}" -q -O -)"
    sourcemodurl="${sourcemoddownloadurl}"# Define mods information (required)# Separator name
    modseparator="MOD"# REQUIRED: mod_info_name=( MOD "modcommand" "Pretty Name" "URL" "filename" "modsubdirs" "LowercaseOn/Off" "/files/to/keep;" "/install/path" "ENGINES" "GAMES" "NOTGAMES" "AUTHOR_URL" "Short Description" )
    # Example 1) Well made mod: mod_info_name=( MOD "awesomemod" "This is an Awesome Mod" "https://awesomemod.com/latest.zip" "awesomemod.zip" "0" "LowercaseOff" "OVERWRITE" "${systemdir}/addons" "source;unity3d;" "GAMES" "NOTGAMES" "https://awesomemod.com/" "This mod knows that 42 is the answer" )
    # Example 2) Poorly made mod: mod_info_name=( MOD "stupidmod" "This is a stupid mod" "${crappymodurl}" "StupidMod.zip" "2" "LowercaseOn" "cfg;data/crappymod;" "${systemdir}" "source;" "GAMES" "Garry's mod;Counter-Strike: Source;" "This mod is dumber than dumb" )
    # None of those values can be empty
    # index | Usage
    # [0]     | MOD: separator, all mods must begin with it
    # [1]     | "modcommand": the LGSM name and command to install the mod (must be unique and lowercase)
    # [2]     | "Pretty Name": the common name people use to call the mod that will be displayed to the user
    # [3]     | "URL": link to the mod archive file; can be a variable previously defined while scraping a URL
    # [4]     | "filename": the output filename
    # [5]    | "modsubdirs": in how many subdirectories is the mod (none is 0) (not used at release, but could be in the future)
    # [6]    | "LowercaseOn/Off": LowercaseOff or LowercaseOn: enable/disable converting extracted files and directories to lowercase (some games require it)
    # [7]     | "modinstalldir": the directory in which to install the mode (use LGSM dir variables such as ${systemdir})
    # [8]    | "/files/to/keep;", files & directories that should not be overwritten upon update, separated and ended with a semicolon; you can also use "OVERWRITE" value to ignore the value or "NOUPDATE" to disallow updating; for files to keep upon uninstall, see fn_mod_tidy_files_list from mods_core.sh
    # [9]     | "Supported Engines;": list them according to LGSM ${engine} variables, separated and ended with a semicolon, or use ENGINES to ignore the value
    # [10]     | "Supported Games;": list them according to LGSM ${gamename} variables, separated and ended with a semicolon, or use GAMES to ignore the value
    # [11]    | "Unsupported Games;": list them according to LGSM ${gamename} variables, separated and ended with a semicolon, or use NOTGAMES to ignore the value (useful to exclude a game when using Supported Engines)
    # [12]    | "AUTHOR_URL" is the author's website, displayed to the user when chosing mods to install
    # [13]    | "Short Description" a description showed to the user upon installation/removal# Source mods
    mod_info_metamod=( MOD "metamod" "MetaMod" "${metamodurl}" "${metamodlatestfile}" "0" "LowercaseOff" "${systemdir}" "addons/metamod/metaplugins.ini;" "source;" "GAMES" "NOTGAMES" "https://www.sourcemm.net" "Plugins Framework" )
    mod_info_sourcemod=( MOD "sourcemod" "SourceMod" "${sourcemodurl}" "${sourcemodlatestfile}" "0" "LowercaseOff" "${systemdir}" "cfg;addons/sourcemod/configs;" "source;" "GAMES" "NOTGAMES" "http://www.sourcemod.net" "Admin Features (requires MetaMod)" )
    # Garry's Mod Addons
    mod_info_ulib=( MOD "ulib" "ULib" "https://codeload.github.com/TeamUlysses/ulib/zip/master" "ulib-master.zip" "0" "LowercaseOff" "${systemdir}/addons" "OVERWRITE" "ENGINES" "Garry's Mod;" "NOTGAMES" "http://ulyssesmod.net" "Complete Framework" )
    mod_info_ulx=( MOD "ulx" "ULX" "https://codeload.github.com/TeamUlysses/ulx/zip/master" "ulx-master.zip" "0" "LowercaseOff" "${systemdir}/addons" "OVERWRITE" "ENGINES" "Garry's Mod;" "NOTGAMES" "http://ulyssesmod.net" "Admin Panel (requires ULib)" )
    mod_info_utime=( MOD "utime" "UTime" "https://github.com/TeamUlysses/utime/archive/master.zip" "utime-master.zip" "0" "LowercaseOff" "${systemdir}/addons" "OVERWRITE" "ENGINES" "Garry's Mod;" "NOTGAMES" "http://ulyssesmod.net" "Keep track of players play time" )
    mod_info_uclip=( MOD "uclip" "UClip" "https://github.com/TeamUlysses/uclip/archive/master.zip" "uclip-master.zip" "0" "LowercaseOff" "${systemdir}/addons" "OVERWRITE" "ENGINES" "Garry's Mod;" "NOTGAMES" "http://ulyssesmod.net" "An alternative to noclip" )
    mod_info_acf=( MOD "acf" "Armoured Combat Framework" "https://github.com/nrlulz/ACF/archive/master.zip" "acf-master.zip" "0" "LowercaseOn" "${systemdir}/addons" "acf-master/lua/acf/shared/guns;" "ENGINES" "Garry's Mod;" "NOTGAMES" "https://github.com/nrlulz/ACF" "Realistic Wepons & Engines" )
    mod_info_acf_missiles=( MOD "acfmissiles" "ACF Missiles" "https://github.com/Bubbus/ACF-Missiles/archive/master.zip" "acf-missiles-master.zip" "0" "LowercaseOn" "${systemdir}/addons" "OVERWRITE" "ENGINES" "Garry's Mod;" "NOTGAMES" "https://github.com/Bubbus/ACF-Missiles" "More missiles for ACF" )
    mod_info_advdupe2=( MOD "advdupe2" "Advanced Duplicator 2" "https://github.com/wiremod/advdupe2/archive/master.zip" "advdupe2-master.zip" "0" "LowercaseOn" "${systemdir}/addons" "OVERWRITE" "ENGINES" "Garry's Mod;" "NOTGAMES" "http://www.wiremod.com" "Save your constructions" )
    mod_info_darkrp=( MOD "darkrp" "DarkRP" "https://github.com/FPtje/DarkRP/archive/master.zip" "darkrp-master.zip" "0" "LowercaseOn" "${systemdir}/gamemodes" "OVERWRITE" "ENGINES" "Garry's Mod;" "NOTGAMES" "http://darkrp.com" "Most popular gamemode" )
    mod_info_darkrpmodification=( MOD "darkrpmodification" "DarkRP Modification" "https://github.com/FPtje/darkrpmodification/archive/master.zip" "darkrpmodification-master.zip" "0" "LowercaseOff" "${systemdir}/addons" "NOUPDATE" "ENGINES" "Garry's Mod;" "NOTGAMES" "http://darkrp.com" "Customize DarkRP settings" )
    # Oxidemod
    mod_info_rustoxide=( MOD "rustoxide" "Oxide for Rust" "https://github.com/OxideMod/Oxide/releases/download/latest/Oxide-Rust.zip" "Oxide-Rust.zip" "0" "LowercaseOff" "${systemdir}" "OVERWRITE" "ENGINES" "Rust;" "NOTGAMES" "http://oxidemod.org/downloads/oxide-for-rust.1659/" "Allows for the use of plugins" )
    mod_info_hwoxide=( MOD "hwoxide" "Oxide for Hurtworld" "https://github.com/OxideMod/Oxide/releases/download/latest/Oxide-Hurtworld.zip" "Oxide-Hurtworld.zip" "0" "LowercaseOff" "${systemdir}" "OVERWRITE" "ENGINES" "Hurtworld;" "NOTGAMES" "http://oxidemod.org/downloads/oxide-for-hurtworld.1332/" "Allows for the use of plugins" )
    mod_info_sdtdoxide=( MOD "sdtdoxide" "Oxide for 7 Days To Die" "https://github.com/OxideMod/Oxide/releases/download/latest/Oxide-SevenDays.zip" "Oxide-SevenDays.zip" "0" "LowercaseOff" "${systemdir}" "OVERWRITE" "ENGINES" "7 Days To Die;" "NOTGAMES" "http://oxidemod.org/downloads/oxide-for-7-days-to-die.813/" "Allows for the use of plugins" )# REQUIRED: Set all mods info into the global array
    mods_global_array=( "${mod_info_metamod[@]}" "${mod_info_sourcemod[@]}" "${mod_info_ulib[@]}" "${mod_info_ulx[@]}" "${mod_info_utime[@]}" "${mod_info_uclip[@]}" "${mod_info_acf[@]}" "${mod_info_acf_missiles[@]}" "${mod_info_acf_sweps[@]}" "${mod_info_advdupe2[@]}" "${mod_info_darkrp[@]}" "${mod_info_darkrpmodification[@]}" "${mod_info_rustoxide[@]}" "${mod_info_hwoxide[@]}" "${mod_info_sdtdoxide[@]}" )
    To save
    CTRL + O
    To exit nano
    CTRL + X

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2017
  18. Hmm @Wulf isn't cool to modify LGSM files, because next update will be from GitHub back by default, right ?
  19. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I'm not sure what you mean exactly, bit Bintray is down until further notice, especially if we keep hitting 2 terabytes/mo.
  20. Sorry my bad EN

    I want to said: Does we need to change LGSM files like he said ?

    I'm not sure if you need to use Bintray again or not ?

    Or maybe he modified the files to use Bintray ONLY IF there is no GitHub Files ?