Universal Admin notification

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Tunnleram, Feb 26, 2017.

  1. Is there a mod that will allow players to more easily notify an admin/moderator?

    For instance, typing a command like /calladmin will notify an admin someone needs their assistance?

    Maybe something like this:
    - if admin or moderator is on, popup notification on screen they must acknowledge with information on the person asking for assistance (may need to limit spamming)
    - if admin or moderator is not on, alert the player that they are unavailable, but send an email to the admin/moderators

    This could be very helpful for admins/moderators.

    Anything like that exist?
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

  3. You can set RustAdmin to play a noise when a player says "Admin" or any other keyword, however that's not a plugin.
  4. Thanks! I'll check it out!

    How do you do that?
  5. FYI, Tickets is nice. No one has used it yet on my server, but it seems to work well for what I need.

    I'm still curious about the RustAdmin sound.
  6. You must use the HighLight system, create a rule for the word Admin, and set it to play a sound everytime that word comes up. You can also have it Highlight the word in one of the colors from the list.
  7. Sucks that the only working part of the highlight system is the part I don't have a use for - it only checks the terms output to console, not chat.

    Sure, checking console will result in chat being detected, but there is no way currently to detect chat and NOT console.

    So basically, if you use any plugin with 'admin' in its commandline, it will chime every time you use it.

    AdminMenu, for instance, beeps every time I click anywhere on the UI because it sends console commands with 'admin' in them.
  8. Oh ok, yeah I just setup the highlight in RustAdmin and I do really wish the chat worked for chat other than server. Otherwise the sound alerts for admin are great and helpful.
  9. mmm

    im sure that you can filter adding a condition for detect when "admin" is says from the "chat"
  10. Players Commands:
    • /admin "Reason" (send a direct message to the admin

    About the command:

    the command will send the admin a direct message whit your steam name or steam64id and the reason when the admin receive the admin can tp to the player that have used the command /admin "Reason

    Admin Commands:
    • the is no need for admin commands

    Let me know what you thinks I see the command/plugin something admins/player will love to use its fast and easy

    About using my request:
    using my request no problem it will by nice to put my name as plugin request by SpenkymenGaming :p
  11. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

  12. Tickets | Oxide commands size

    • tickets.admin
    • tickets.wipe

    Commands (Console/Chat):
    • ticket view <ID> view a ticket [Normal users only see their own]
    • ticket create <Message> create a new ticket
    • ticket reply <ID> <Message> reply to a ticket [Normal users can only reply to their own]
    • ticket list list tickets [Normal users only see their own]
    • ticket close <ID> close a ticket [Admin Command]
    • ticket teleport <ID> teleport to a ticket's source position [Admin Command]
    • ticket listclosed list closed tickets [Admin Command]
    • ticket wipe delete all existing tickets [Admin Command - Requires permission 'tickets.wipe

    the /admin "reason" is fast/easy/quick I don't think you can compare that with the ticket plugin (I'm not saying the ticket plugin is bad only player like fast if it's about admin request the want to have their problem fix fast and this command can give that )
  13. The Command idea is for player that are in the game a have problems like for

    • are stuck
    • or run against a hacker
    • or any problem that is going on
    The simply just time /admin "I'm stuck" and the admin receives a direct message and can tp to the player

    it's not based on /report :) (and reporting hacker is not really working create)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2017
  14. Pretty close to what you want, not exact though. The command is configurable, and the player could always report themselves. It could also be easy to remove the second player feature.
  15. i thinks to command that i have create to been create to a plugin wil make admins / player smile :)